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Transformative Principal is 

Aug 30, 2021

Patricia Wilkinson is a science nerd and veteran teacher who has taught all grades, kindergarten through sixth, in both public and private schools. Trish is also the mom of two kids who had “challenges” they now use as strengths in healthy relationships and fulfilling careers. Founder of Brain Stages Parenting,...

Aug 25, 2021

Angie Busch Alstonis a teacher in Brevig Mission, a small Inupiaq village on the Seward Peninsula. She came to Alaska in 2005 for a one year adventure and ended up staying. She prizes classroom and community connections and believes all teachers can open themselves to the richness and value around them. She is also the...

Aug 22, 2021

Alyssa Gallagher is Head of Education, North America for BTS Spark, a not-for profit practice focused on bringed executive level coaching to every school leader.  She has extensive experience leading schools and districts to revolutionize learning for students. Under Alyssa’s guidance Los Altos School District became...

Aug 21, 2021

Jared Cooney Horvath is a cognitive neuroscientist with expertise in human learning, memory, and brain stimulation. He earned his Master’s degree from Harvard University and his Doctorate from the University of Melbourne. In 2018, Dr. Horvath co-founded LME Global to bring his pioneering brain and behavioral research...

Aug 15, 2021

Joe Erpelding is the Director of Education at Thrively.

  • What if?
  • Life ready, thought leaders who are ready to elevate humanity!
  • Students creating impact.
  • Create learning that is personal to you.
  • Find a need, using design thinking.
  • Hacking Language - “that’s an at risk kid”
  • It’s our responsibility to find the...